Saul Bass was a Jewish American graphic designer and film maker. He produced animated title sequences for movies, some of these movies include the famous "Psycho", "North by Northwest" and "The man with the golden arm". His most famous and also controversial work was in the 1950's film "The man with the golden arm". The main focus of this title sequence was the main characters arm as he was a heroin addict and is a symbol of the characters drug addiction. The sequence featured a black paper cut out of the characters arm to symbolize the story of the character and film. Saul Bass was a pioneer of title sequences and the animation involved with them. His techniques and work was considered revolutionary from the early days of his career as nothing like he created was ever seen in the 50's and 60's. In the 90's he moved on to creating title sequences with the aid of computer graphics. This technology never existed earlier on in his career so it opened up doors for him to experiment and created more innovative title sequences such as the one seen in "Casino" where he was using computers to make the titles. Saul Bass was a pioneer from the days of his early work to his latest work before he died in 1996.
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